Sunday 21 February 2010

imagination required

Turning everything upside-down and sideways when painting is always fun, especially when I'm using my imagination to fill in the empty spaces in-between. No pictures of painting underlayers for today, but I'm definitely having a good time.

Was excited to create paintings on linen, leaving the actual linen as the negative space. But alas, I discovered sun-bleached patch-work blocks once I ripped off the packaging on some of the pre-stretched linen canvasses. If it was more randomly scattered, I'd have happily incorporated the 'happy accidents' into the paintings I had in mind. But the way that the darker squares and rectangles have been left on the sun-bleached canvas, and the very noticeable contrast with which some have left their imprint...requires me to either imagine a different painting entirely where the quadrangles are incorporated, or continue with my original idea but paint in the negative space.

To be continued...

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