Thursday 11 February 2010

early spring cleaning

I am ever so grateful for Inspiration. But with the recent blessed onslaught of ideas, cleaning up after myself beyond just rinsing the brushes, changing the paint water and scraping off the palette became non-existent. It did become very difficult to manoeuvre between the ever-deepening stacks of canvasses leaning on what bare available wall there was left; and the ransacked stacks of once-carefully-piled books and boxes holding all-things-collected-and-saved-for-future-paintings. Perhaps I could have left the mess longer if more of my paintings were less than 3 feet high or wide or both...but I do like them big.

And don't even get me started on the tens (not 'hundreds', although once scattered by the wind or an errant sleeve, it feels like hundreds) of teeny tiny cut-out rice paper leaves I've been obssessing over for the "autumn" piece.

Needless to say, my desk is clear, my floor is bare, my elbows don't have rice-paper leaves stuck to them...and I'm ready to mess it all up again.

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